Monday, October 30, 2017

The Promise Land


I’m starting to figure a lot of things out. And trust me, I still have plenty more to learn. But in this moment, something new has begun.

 You see, we all have been lost at some point in your life. Hell I’m still trying to find my way, but we all know the feeling when every road seems like a dead end. We get stuck in a rut. A routine of sorts. And not a good one. We become scared of everything. We are scared about money, we are scared about love, we are scared about the future. All those things are scare the shit out of me and in some ways still do.

But being scared is okay.

 Fear naturally triggers the flight or fight response in us, and most the time we chose to run and hide. Avoid the problem. We paint over it like it is some ugly bathroom wall paper from the 1970’s. If we can’t see it then it must be gone. But it’s not gone. It’s still there growing and growing and we continue to hide and hide and hide until life seems like the scariest fucking thing to face.

But we must face life. We must.

We must not run any more. We must not let our fears in life control us. We must very literally fight for our life and our happiness. When you plant that first seed in your mind that you will no longer settle for anything less than what you want, then you can truly achieve anything. However, this is not an overnight thing. I think we all can agree that we wish it was, but it is not. It’s the long hall you are in for.

It’s the long haul I am in for.

We only get one life, so why not make it the greatest life you can make it? The reason I tell you these things is I myself have been stuck in a kind of rut. A routine, and not a good one. But today I made the conscious decision to break free from my fears and doubts and to live the life I want and the life I deserve. I hope you make the same decision my friends. I have been told that the grass is oh so much greener on the other side. I have decided to call this side of life The Promise Land, and I hope you join me very soon.